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Pallieter RENEFF has entered a joint investment agreement with Global Cleantech Capital (GCC) in Amsterdam. Based on this agreement, Pallieter RENEFF and GCC (through the GCC FUND II) have together invested in Global BSN LLC, Solar Finance Holding BV and Norwegian Crystals AS.
GCC has an extensive network and globally it is one of the most experienced and successful venture capital teams in the field of sustainability. In addition to the previously mentioned joint investment agreement, Pallieter RENEFF has invested in one of the GCC investment funds, being GCCF FUND II. Through this, Pallieter RENEFF has strengthened its relationship with GCC even further, which it sees as a strategic joint venture.
Companies that GCC is investing or has invested in have one thing in common. They all contribute, as do all the companies in which Pallieter RENEFF invests, towards sustainability. This could be an immense solar park where solar energy is generated, but it can also be a company that streamlines and optimises logistics processes.
This fund invests in growth capital in upcoming value chains in which inefficiencies in price setting, supply, finance or the supply of clean energy products or services can be taken advantage of. The focus here lies especially on companies active in the international PV solar market. Participations in the GCC Fund II include:
Norwegian Crystals is a manufacturer of extremely high-quality monocrystalline silicon ingots for PV solar cell and module applications. Manufacture of solar cells, wafers and modules has been outsourced to partners, after which the modules are sold under our own brand.
WWW.EYEFREIGHT.COMNacero is a producer of ultra-clean fuels from gas with a 40% lower CO2 footprint and with 0% sulfur emissions compared to fuels refined from oil. The company has the underlying technology exclusive to the United States of America and its first plant is currently under construction. Nacero is considered an important game-changing intermediate step towards an energy mix that will be increasingly less dependent on fossil fuels.
In addition to GCC Fund II, further investments include:
GCC Solar NL has again invested in Klimaat Fonds Nederland, a knowledge and investment platform for large-scale solar energy projects in the Netherlands. These projects will be funded Initiators of solar energy projects are hereby offered competitive Dutch capital and a very extensive sector knowledge and experience to successfully realize projects.